Artist Boat Kayak Adventures
13330 Settegast Road, Galveston, TX (Directions) | Phone: (409)632-0388 | Website
Artist Boat Eco-Art Kayak Adventures take participants on guided tours of Galveston Bay at it’s Coastal Heritage Preserve. During your adventure you will discover that the coast is unique, beautiful, and alive from the seat of your kayak!
Discover myriad bird and fish species as you glide along the water’s surface. Take a break from exploring marshes, seagrass beds, and rookery islands to create a plein-air watercolor painting of this special ecosystem. We bring all of the art supplies and we provide a short demonstration of watercolor techniques.
Eco-Art Kayak Adventures are perfect for the entire family or for group activities. Private group trips are also available.
Artist Boat is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to promoting awareness and preservation of the coastal margins and marine environment through the disciplines of the sciences and the arts.
- Kayak Adventures Scheduled Throughout the Year
- Preserves & Restores Natural Spaces from Beach to Bay
- Educational Opportunities Available
- Interpretive Tours via The Bucket Brigade