Call for Artists to Beautify a Bucket!
Registration Open Until May 1, 2025
The Beautify the Bucket Competition allows participants to take an active role in beautifying Galveston Beaches and improving stewardship behaviors. During the Artist Boat World Ocean Day Festival, all barrels will be on dispay for the public to see, and our judges will view all submissions and select winners from each category.

Painted Buckets on East Beach | Artist Boat |
Participants in the competition paint a blue trash barrel destined for Galveston Beaches based on a theme: ocean organisms, marine debris, coastal and marine ecosystems, or Galveston recreational activities. After the competition, the barrels will be added to Galveston’s Beaches where they will be enjoyed by visitors and encourage proper disposal of trash to reduce aquatic trash.
Individuals and groups of all ages can register for a barrel to beautify. Help us keep our beaches clean and pristine! Registration is open until May 1, 2025. To register, click here.
2025 Competition Timeline
- Bucket Pick-Up begins Monday, March 10th
- Registration closes Thursday, May 1st (or until stock is depleted)
- Bucket Drop-off begins Monday, May 5th
- All Buckets must be returned by Monday, May 26th
- Judging takes place Saturday, June 7th
- Winners announced Saturday, June 7th at 4:00 pm
Viewing and judging will be held on June 7 at East Beach during the World Ocean Day Festival. Winners will be announced at 4:00 pm.

World Ocean Day at East Beach | Artist Boat |
World Ocean Day Festival – June 7, 2025
World Ocean Day is the UN-recognized day of ocean celebration and action.
All around the globe individuals and groups use the day to celebrate, learn about, and do their part to help the ocean. Local, regional, and state organizations will come together to provide engaging activities to help visitors understand the human connection to the ocean.
Join us at the Artist Boat World Ocean Day Festival on June 7, 2025 at East Beach.
Enjoy a fun and educational good time! Partner organizations will host interactive activities to help ocean-lovers of all ages learn about the marine world and how we connect to it.
Live Entertainment: Tom’s Fun Band will perform music and comedy to make learning about preserving our natural resources fun. You will chant, clap, and sing along as you learn more about everyone’s role in conservation.
Explore the Tent: There will be opportunities to sign up for a Bucket Brigade Beach Tour, check out the Beautify the Bucket competition on display for judging, register for an assortment of on-site workshops and MUCH MORE FUN!
Eco-Art Workshops: For the first time this year, there will be workshops you can take at the beach during the festival! Join us to build a clay coral reef, be part of a drum circle, turn trash into treasure with marine debris art, create your own screen print, and more!
Luxury Vacation Rentals Available
Luxury Vacation Rentals Available
Artist Boat
Artist Boat is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to promoting awareness and preservation of the coastal margins and marine environment through the disciplines of the sciences and the arts. Artist Boat’s Coastal Heritage Preserve currently encompasses a 810 acre conservation area on West Galveston Island. Artist Boat’s goal is to preserve and restore 1,400 contiguous acres from beach to bay. The conservation area is one of the largest unfragmented, single-owner, undeveloped properties of its kind on Galveston Island.