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Updates on COVID-19 for Galveston Island2020-07-10T07:53:02-05:00

Updates on COVID-19 for Galveston Island

Updated by Galveston Island Convention & Visitors Bureau

Texas Issues State-wide Face Mask Mandate

Effective July 2, every person in Texas shall wear a face covering over the nose and mouth when inside a commercial entity or other building or space open to the public, or when in an outdoor public space, wherever it is not feasible to maintain six feet of social distancing from another person not in the same household.

Face coverings may be removed when:

  • Consuming food or drink
  • When at the beach or exercising outside
  • While in a building that requires security surveillance such as a bank
  • While driving alone or with passengers of the same households
  • While pumping gas or operating outdoor equipment
  • When doing so poses a greater mental or physical health safety or security risk

Monitoring the Situation

Cases in the county continue to rise. For the latest COVID-19 updates, visit the Galveston County Health District (GCHD) website.

Cruise Passengers & Port of Galveston:

For updates from the Port of Galveston and the cruise industry, visit: https://www.portofgalveston.com/243/Travel-Update.

Center for Disease Control (CDC) Guidelines

We recommend everyone follow these CDC guidelines to proactively promote their health and prevent illness: such as cleaning hands often and avoid touching your face with unwashed hands.

CDC Healthy Travel Practices:

  • Wash your hands often
  • Cough into your elbow and sneeze into a tissue
  • Consult with a doctor before traveling when sick
  • Stay up-to-date on vaccinations
  • Avoid contact with people who are already sick
  • Avoid contact with animals while traveling
  • Be aware of the latest travel advisories from the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and U.S. State Department

For more information from the CDC, please visit https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html

The Galveston Island Convention & Visitors Bureau will continue monitoring the coronavirus and will provide updates as appropriate.

What’s Open FAQ

Are Galveston’s beaches open?

Yes, Galveston’s beaches are open. They reopened on May 1 following the lifting of stay-at-home mandates brought about because of the coronavirus pandemic. The only exception was a temporary closure over July 4th weekend. Beach parks – including East Beach, Stewart Beach, Dellanera RV Park, Seawall beaches and West-End beaches are open. Find out more.

What are the health and safety guidelines beachgoers should follow?

The health and safety of our residents and visitors are of utmost importance. As such, all who come to the beaches must maintain social distancing of staying at least six feet apart from others not in your family, not gather in large groups exceeding 10. Face coverings are only required when social distancing is not possible.

Galveston Island Beach Patrol and the Galveston Police Department will actively enforce social-distancing mandates at the beaches. The Galveston Park Board staff has updated its health and safety protocols and has adopted rigorous cleaning procedures at its parks and facilities.

Are these guidelines being enforced?

Galveston Island Beach Patrol and the Galveston Police Department will actively enforce social-distancing and mask mandates across the island.

When are the beaches open?

Seawall beaches and West End beaches are open 24 hours. Beach parks – Stewart Beach, East Beach and Dellanera RV Park beach are open from 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. on weekdays and 8 a.m. — 7 p.m. on weekends. Parking is enforced along the seawall from 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. daily and no overnight camping is allowed on the beach.

Do I have to pay for parking at the beach?

Paid parking at beach parks and along seawall beach parks is enforced. Parking fees at the beach parks are $12 – $15 per car and $1 per hour on the seawall from 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Beginning Memorial Day weekend, new free parking spaces have been added along the north side of the seawall. The free parking spots can be found on the north side of Seawall from 12th to 19th streets, 33rd to 39th streets, 53rd to 61st streets and 85th to 91st street. Seawall Parking is paid through paybyphone.com. Find out more.

Where can I buy a parking pass?

Annual parking passes for the seawall cost $25 and may be purchased by calling 866-234-7275, visiting paybyphone.com or at the following retail outlets: Ohana Surf and Skate, Island Bicycle and the 61st Street Pier. Annual parking passes for the beach parks cost $50 and may be purchased at East Beach, Stewart Beach or Dellanera RV Park. Find out more.

What are some health and sanitation practices I can expect to see in Galveston?

The Galveston Park Board staff has adopted rigorous cleaning procedures at its parks and along the Seawall. Among the procedures put in place an increase in soap and paper towels stock in public restrooms, restrooms surfaces will be cleaned on an hourly basis, the frequency of trash removal has been increased and park equipment will be sanitized daily.

Are Galveston’s hotels and vacation rentals open?

Galveston’s hotels and vacation rentals are open on an individual, voluntary basis. Please contact individual properties or management companies for details. Find out more.

Are the hotel pools open?

Hotel pools are open with limited capacity.

Are Galveston’s restaurants and bars open?

Restaurants are open with limited capacity.

Effective June 26, bars have been closed by Governor Abbott. Some bars are offering drinks to-go with food purchase. Please contact individual businesses for more information.

Is Historic Downtown or The Strand district open?

Shops, galleries and restaurants in the Historic Downtown District are open on an individual basis with limited capacity and certain restrictions.

What attractions are open?

Most attractions are open with limited capacity including the following:

Where and when can I fish in Galveston?

There are several public fishing piers in Galveston including the 61st St. Fishing Pier, Galveston Fishing Pier, 9001 Seawall Blvd.; and Seawolf Park. Hours are subject to change. Contact the piers for details. Private fishing charters are also available. Find out more.

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