Night-Herons Building Nests
All You Have To Do Is Look Up!
I saw a Yellow-crowned Night-Heron in my yard yesterday just before dusk. It reminded me to start looking up!
Each spring, these exotic looking birds head to the Oak trees in my neighborhood and start building nests. Last year, there were seven nests within two blocks of my house. Every week or so, I walked down the street with my camera and got video clips. Here’s a minute and a half recap. It’s a good distraction from you know what.
The video was shot in March and early April last year. By mid-May, the young were starting to take short flights out the nest to check things out. They hung around the neighborhood until June. On the morning of June 11, one of last to leave the hood was on my garage roof solar panels. I snapped a shot with my phone.

That was the last one I saw hanging around. I guess it moved on to the wetlands to hunt for crabs. I hope it found what it was looking for.
If you live on the island, check the Oak trees. You might be surprised how many nest-building couples you can find.
Last spring, Kristine Rivers wrote a blog with more details on the subject. Check out Night-Herons Nesting In The City!
Lee Roane
Lee Roane has worked on the website since 1994. He is interested in history and birding but will write about anything if he thinks it will help someone enjoy the island.