Cruise Wear?
The Cruise Lady
Lorraine has a friend who thinks every cruise is reason to buy a whole new wardrobe. NOT NECESSARY! You probably already have everything you need in your closet. So just book it.
Got jeans/shorts/swimsuits/cover-ups? Good! Daywear is soooo casual – in fact, Lorraine usually lives in tee-shirts, crops, and flip-flops all day (no make-up, either)! That’s because nobody cares – and because you’ll never see the same people again – LOL! Relax and enjoy! You’re on vacation!

For evenings – got black pants? Great! Just take a whole bunch of tops/blouses and you’re all set!
Gone are the days when cruising required “dressing-up” – heck – people used to dress (and do make-up) before breakfast. No Mas! The more casual the better!
Of course, if you plan to do “formal-nite” men will need at least a tie/sport coat/ and you can do your “classic black pants” with a dressy top. Could it get any easier?
Of course, as Lorraine has noted, people generally wear what they darned-well please. You will see everything from full-length “lame’” gowns to “gimmie-caps”– the point is that cruising is an opportunity do “do your own thing.”
Spud and I have often fanaticized about going on a cruise with no more than a toothbrush and a swimsuit in a carry-on and telling other cruisers that we were stowaways – bathing in the pool and sleeping in lifeboats or on deckchairs at nite. What a story it would give them to tell the folks back home (tee-hee)!
The point is – JUST GO – no need to break the bank on a wardrobe you really don’t (and won’t need!) Look in your closet!
Everything is probably already there!
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Lorraine Highseas
Lorraine is a certified cruisaholic who’s sole purpose is to help you enjoy one of life’s greatest things to its fullest - sailing away on a cruise!