Galveston Ballet
2301 Market Street, Galveston, TX (Directions) | Phone: (409)763-8620
The mission of Galveston Ballet is to offer the young people the opportunity to participate in a learning company where they can experience the discipline and beauty of ballet; and to enrich the cultural life of the entire community.
- Offering Classical Ballet Training for Over 30 Years
- Scheduled Community Events & Performances
- Classes & Workshops Held Year Round
In the beginning many productions were performed in local small venues such as the historic Ashton Villa. But after visiting The Grand 1894 Opera House, Lynn was convinced that the students should experience performing at such a unique and beautiful performance venue. The first performances at The Grand Opera House included the classical ballet productions of La Boutique Fantasque and Coppelia, Act II. At the time the company was very small with only three girls en pointe, Caryn, Janel Allego (now current instructor, Janel Amsallem) , and Cassie Raftis. Soon after the success of these productions, instructor Cathy Harvin was hired and enforced Lynn’s concept of classical ballet training.
Galveston Ballet debuted their first performances, Peter And The Wolf and The Sleeping Beauty with very limited set, props and budget. In order to provide more financial support to the company, Lynn was able to purchase Galveston Ballet and bring forth its mission. With the help of Jayson Levy, the non-profit status was achieved and has been providing a place for young dancers to receive the same opportunity that Lynn provided for her own daughter. To this day, Lynn’s heart is so deeply embedded into the organization that she remains as one of its biggest supporters. Much of the costumes and props you see in our current productions are still constructed and contributed by Lynn herself. Today the ballet has more than 100 students who all share her same love of classical ballet.