Historical Markers
There are over 200 historical markers on Galveston Island, a lot to see on a short trip. You can use this search to narrow down your bucket list of things to see. Enable location services on your device while here and you can see what is nearby. You are the blue icon.
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"Old Red" Ashbel Smith Building
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the first building of the University of Texas Medical Branch. The marker was erected in 1969 by the Texas Historical Commission.

“Ducky's Beach”
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is about Ducky Prendergast, one of Galveston’s original professional lifeguards.

1838 Kuhn's Wharf
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the 1838 Kuhn’s Wharf developed by Col. Ephraim McLean in 1838.

1840 Central Wharf
One of more than 200 historical markers on the island, this marker highlights the history of Galveston’s Central Wharves developed in 1840.

1857 Federal Building
One of more than 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the first non-military Federal building in Texas.

1858 Berlocher Row
One of more than 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at one of the earliest commercial blocks in Galveston, Berlocher Row.

1858 Pix Building
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the 1858 Pix Building a three story brick Greek Revival structure that is one of the oldest buildings in downtown.

1859 Ashton Villa
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the 1859 Ashton Villa former home of James Moreau Brown. The marker was erected in 1967 by the Texas Historical Commission.

1860-70 The Strand
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker highlights the booming port of Galveston Island as well as The Strand’s build up to become “The Wall Street of the Southwest.”

1870 Merchants Mutual Insurance Company Building
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the 1870 Merchants Mutual Insurance Company Building.

1870 Rice, Baulard & Company Building
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the 1870 Rice, Baulard & Company Building a major supplier of paints, oils, varnish and window glass in Texas and Louisiana in the 1800’s.

1871 Old Galveston Square
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at Old Galveston Square established in 1871.

1871 Thomas Jefferson League Building
Two of over 200 historical markers on the island, these two markers are located at the 1871 Thomas Jefferson League Building.

1873 Washington Hotel
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the former location of the 1873 Washington Hotel.

1877 Samson Heidenheimer Building
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the 1877 Samson Heidenheimer Building.

1878 The First National Bank of Galveston
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the Galveston Arts Center on 2127 Strand Street.

1882 Greenleve Block & Co. Building
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the 1882 Greenleve Block & Co. Building built in 1882 for $65,000.

1890 Davidson Building
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the 1890 Davidson Building developed in 1890.

1894 Grand Opera House
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at, “The Official Opera House of Texas” the Grand 1894 Opera House. The marker was erected in 1990 by the Texas Historical Commission.

1916 Armour & Company Building
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the 1916 Armour & Company Building built in 1916.

1925 United States National Bank Building
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is at the 1925 United States National Bank Building originally established in 1874 as the Island City Savings Bank.

A. Wilkins Miller Cottage
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at a Victorian cottage that is the former residence of A. Wilkins Miller. The marker was erected in 1983 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Adriance-Springer House
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the former residence of businessman John Adriance. The marker was erected in 1989 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Albertson House
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the former residence of cotton buyer Charles Albertson built in 1870. The marker was erected in 2014 by the Texas Historical Commission.

American National Insurance Company
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located between the former and current site of American National Insurance Company. The marker was erected in 1972 by the Texas Historical Commission.

American Red Cross, Galveston County Chapter
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker highlights the heroic efforts of the American Red Cross in Galveston County. The marker was erected in 1994 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Avenue L Missionary Baptist Church
Texas’s first African American Baptist Church and one of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at one of the oldest black congregations in Texas. The marker was erected in 1981 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Baden-Sproule House
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the Queen Anne style residence known as the Baden-Sproule House. The marker was erected in 1989 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Ball High School
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is at the current location of Ball High School. The marker was erected in 1988 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Battle of Galveston
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is the location of the Union Blockade during the Battle of Galveston. The marker was erected in 1998 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Bernard Moore Temple
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the grave site of Bernard Moore Temple. The marker was erected in 1976 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Bernardo de Galvez
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker highlights the life of Bernardo de Galvez. The marker was erected in 1986 by the Texas Society, Daughters of the American Revolution.

Best-Lucas House
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the former residence of brick mason Thomas Lucas and his wife Catherine Best. The marker was erected in 2005 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Bishop's Palace
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker highlights the architecture of Nicholas J. Clayton. The marker was erected in 1967 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Boddeker House
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is at the former residence of the Boddeker family. The marker was erected in 2001 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Burial Site of David G. Burnet (1788-1870)
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at Lakeview Cemetery the burial site of David G. Burnet. The marker was erected in 1967 by the Texas Historical Commission.

C. F. Marschner Building
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is the former location of Texas Bottling Works and residence of the C. F. Marschner family. The marker was erected in 1997 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Campbell Home
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the former residence of Archibald R. Campbell built in 1871. The marker was erected in 1962 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Captain William S. Fisher
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the burial site of Captain William S. Fisher. The marker was erected in 1936 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Carl and Hilda Biehl House
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is at the residence of Carl and Hilda Biehl. The marker was erected in 2012 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Carmelo Charles Bertolino
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is highlights the lifesaving efforts by Carmelo Charles Bertolino. The marker was erected in 1994 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Catherine Isabel Cox Sherman
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the burial site of Catherine Isabel Cox Sherman. The marker was erected in 1936 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Clarke & Courts Building
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at Clarke & Courts once the largest printing and lithography company in the region.

Clarke-Jockusch Home
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the Clarke-Jockusch Home built in 1895 by Captain Charles Clarke. The marker was erected in 1965 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Confederate Mariner Leon Smith
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker highlights the life of confederate mariner Leon Smith. The marker was erected in 1965 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Congregation B'nai Israel Synagogue
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the second oldest temple in the state of Texas. The marker was erected in 1967 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Custom House, Post Office and United States Court House
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the first building erected by the United States of America for civil uses in the state of Texas. The marker was erected in 1967 by the Texas Historical Commission.

David Ayers (August 10, 1793-October 25, 1881)
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the burial site of David Ayers. The marker was erected in 1990 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Davidson-Penland House
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the Davidson-Penland House built in 1868. The marker was erected in 2011 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Dignified Resignation
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker was erected to the soldiers and sailors of the Confederate States of America. The marker was erected in 1911 by The Veuve Jefferson Davis Chapter No. 17, United Daughters of the Confederacy.

Dominican Sisters Congregation of the Sacred Heart
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is at the former location of the Dominican Sisters Congregation of the Sacred Heart. The marker was erected in 1993 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Dr. Frederick K. and Lucy Adelaide Fisher House
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the Dr. Frederick K. and Lucy Adelaide Fisher House. The marker was erected in 1993 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Early History of Galveston County
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is about the Early History of Galveston County. The marker was erected in 1966 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Eaton Memorial Chapel
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is at the location of Eaton Memorial Chapel built in 1882. The marker was erected in 1970 by the Texas Historical Commission.

One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at Eiband’s, the oldest operating business in its original location.

Exploration of Galveston County
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is about the shipwreck of Cabeza de Vaca and Exploration of Galveston County. The marker was erected in 1966 by the Texas Historical Commission.

First Navy of the Republic of Texas
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker commemorates the establishment of the First Navy of the Republic of Texas The marker was erected in 1936 by the Texas Historical Commission.

First Presbyterian Church
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker commemorates the location of the first church on Galveston Island. The marker was erected in 1968 by the Texas Historical Commission.

First Union Missionary Baptist Church
Founded in 1870, the First Union Free Mission Baptist Church was organized by a delegation representing the American Baptist Free Mission Society of Boston, an interracial antislavery group. Also, one of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the First Union Baptist Church established by an interracial antislavery group. The marker was erected in 1993 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Former Site of Heidenheimer's Castle
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is at the former site of Heidenheimer’s Castle. The marker was erected in 1978 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Fort San Jacinto
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the former site of Fort San Jacinto. The marker was erected by the US Army Corps of Engineers.

Franklin-Wandless House
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is the location of the Franklin-Wandless House built in 1886. The marker was erected in 1999 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Frederich-Erhard House
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the Queen Anne style house built by William John Frederich, Sr.. The marker was erected in 1990 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Frederick William Beissner House
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is at the Victorian style home of the late Frederick William Beissner. The marker was erected in 1990 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Galveston Artillery Club
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the Galveston Artillery Club established in 1840. The marker was erected in 2006 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Galveston Children's Home
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the Galveston Children’s Home founded in 1878. The marker was erected in 1978 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Galveston County 1901 - 1965
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is about the history of Galveston County from 1901-1965. The marker was erected in 1967 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Galveston County Communities
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker highlights the establishment of communities within Galveston County. The marker was erected in 1966 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Galveston Garten Verein
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the Galveston Garten Verein a social center for Germans between 1876-1923. The marker was erected in 1971 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Galveston Historical Foundation
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker highlights the beginning of the Galveston Historical Foundation originally named the Galveston Historical Society in 1871. The marker was erected in 2002 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Galveston Immigration Stations
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker highlights Galveston as a port of entry for immigrants in the 1800’s and early 1900’s. The marker was erected in 1993 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Galveston in the Republic of Texas
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker highlights Galveston Island’s position as the capital of the Republic of Texas before annexation in 1846. The marker was erected in 1965 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Galveston Island
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is highlights the growth and resilience of Galveston Island. The marker was erected in 1967 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Galveston Medical College
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the first medical college in the state of Texas. The marker was erected in 1968 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Galveston Office of the National Weather Service
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the first weather service office in the state of Texas established in 1871. The marker was erected in 1971 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Galveston Orphans Home
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is at what was once the Island City Orphans Home of the 1870’s and 1880’s a refuge for Protestant and Jewish children. The marker was erected in 2015 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Galveston Seawall and Grade Raising
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker highlights the civil engineering landmark that is Galveston Island’s Seawall. The marker was erected in 2001 by the American Society of Civil Engineers.

Galveston World War 1 Honor Roll
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker honors the lives from Galveston Island lost during World War 1.

Galveston, C. S. A.
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker highlights Galveston as a seaport during the Civil War. The marker was erected in 1965 by the Texas Historical Commission.

General Sidney Sherman
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker honors the military career of General Sidney Sherman. The marker was erected in 1936 by the Texas Historical Commission.

George Campbell Childress
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker highlights the life of George Campbell Childress who’s considered to be the primary author of the Texas Declaration of Independence. The marker was erected in 1991 by the Texas Historical Commission.

George Campbell Childress
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker stands in memory of George Campbell Childress. The marker was erected in 1932 by the State of Texas.

George Dealey
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at what was once known as the Island City Protestant Orphans Asylum opened in Oct. 20, 1878. The marker was erected in 1976 by the Texas Historical Commission.

George Fox House
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at a Queen Anne style house built for the wife of George Fox. The marker was erected in 1981 by the Texas Historical Commission.

George H. Nicholls
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the former residence of George H. Nicholls. The marker was erected in 2013 by the Texas Historical Commission.

George Washington Chapter-DAR
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is at the location that the George Washington Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution was formed. The marker was erected in 1976 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Grace Episcopal Church
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at Grace Episcopal Church founded in 1874. The marker was erected in 1967 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Greensville S. Dowell (September 1822 - June 9, 1881)
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the grave site of Greensville S. Dowell. The marker was erected in 1986 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Grover-Chambers House
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the Grover-Chambers House. The marker was erected in 1976 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Gulf, Colorado, & Santa Fe Railway Company
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the Gulf, Colorado, & Santa Fe Railway Company. The marker was erected in 1993 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Hagemann-Cobb House
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at an Italianate-Queen Anne style house was built in 1892 . The marker was erected in 1982 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Hawes Summer Home
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the Hawes Summer Home. The marker was erected in 2011 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Hendley's Row
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the Hendley Building. The marker was erected in 1981 by Texas Historical Commission.

Hendley's Row
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at Hendley’s Row the Greek revival commercial row built in 1855-58. The marker was erected in 1981 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Henry C. Henck, Jr. House
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the Henry C. Henck, Jr. house built in 1893. The marker was erected in 1991 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Henry Journeay
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the grave site of Henry Journeay. The marker was erected in 1936 by the State of Texas.

Henry Rosenberg Home
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the former residence of Henry Rosenberg. The marker was erected in 1962 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Homesite of Adolph Dolson
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the homesite of Adolph Dolson a prominent civic and religious leader. The marker was erected in 1986 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Homesite of Dr. William Keiller
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the homesite of Dr. William Keiller . The marker was erected in 1988 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Hotel Galvez
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the Hotel Galvez. The marker was erected in 1980 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Hutchings House
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the house built for John Henry Hutchings. The marker was erected in 1962 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Hutchings, Sealy & Co. Buildings
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at two individual but connected structures named Hutchings, Sealy & Co. Buildings designed by Nicholas J. Clayton for George Ball, John Henry Hutchings, and John Sealy. The marker was erected in 1992 by Texas Historical Commission.

Isaac H. and Henrietta Kempner House
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the neoclassical style house completed in 1906 for Isaac and Henrietta Kempner. The marker was erected in 1994 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Isaac Heffron House
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the Victorian residence now know as the Isaac Heffron House. The marker was erected in 2016 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Isabella Offenbach Maas Residence
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the former residence of Isabella Offenbach Maas built in 1886. The marker was erected in 1986 by the Texas Historical Commission.

J. F. Smith House
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the former residence of J. F. Smith built in 1884. The marker was erected in 1990 by the Texas Historical Commission.

J. Levy & Bro.
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at J. Levy & Bro. funeral home. The marker was erected in 1992 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Jack Johnson
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker honors the life and career of Galveston native Arthur John “Jack” Johnson. The marker was erected in 2010 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Jackie Andrews Private School
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the former location of the Jackie Andrews Private School. The marker was erected in 1962 by the Texas Historical Commission.

James Love (1795-1874)
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the grave site of James Love. The marker was erected in 1986 by the Texas Historical Commission.

James N. Davis House
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the James N. Davis House built in 1899. The marker was erected in 1979 by the Texas Historical Commission.

James S. Waters House
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the former residence of Galveston County Treasurer James S. Waters. The marker was erected in 2016 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Jean Lafitte
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the former house Maison Rouge of notorious pirate Jean Lafitte. The marker was erected in 1965 by the Texas Historical Commission.

John and Eliza Hertford House
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the John and Eliza Hertford House. The marker was erected in 1993 by the Texas Historical Commission.

John Bankhead Magruder (August 15, 1810 - February 19, 1871)
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the final resting place of John Bankhead Magruder. The marker was erected in 1994 by the Texas Historical Commission.

John M. Jones House
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the John M. Jones House. The marker was erected in 1979 by the Texas Historical Commission.

John Overton Trueheart (ca. 1802-March 13, 1874)
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the final resting place of John Overton Trueheart. The marker was erected in 1986 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Julius H. Ruhl Residence
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the former residence of Julius H. Ruhl. The marker was erected in 1984 by the Texas Historical Commission.

One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker commemorates the reading of the Emancipation Proclamation issued by President Abraham Lincoln in 1862. The marker was erected in 2014 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Karankawa Campsite
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker highlights a Karankawa Campsite in the city of Jamaica Beach. The marker was erected in 1966 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Lafitte's Grove
This site is popular with birders and has a historical marker about the Battle of Three Trees, which occurred in 1817 between Jean Lafitte’s men and the Lafitte Karankawa Indians.

Landes-McDonough House
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the former residence of Confederate veteran and capitalist Henry A. Landes. The marker was erected in 1973 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Lasker Home for Children
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the Greek revival residence built in 1870 by Galveston attorney Marcus C. McLemore. The marker was erected in 1980 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Lent Munson Hitchcock (October 15, 1816 - February 27, 1869)
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the final resting place of Lent Munson Hitchcock The marker was erected in 1994 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Leon & H. Blum Co. Building
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker highlights the firm Leon & H Blum Co.. The firm was Galveston’s leading importer and wholesale dealer in dry goods for more than twenty years. The marker was erected in 1986 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Levi Charles Meyers Harby (September 21, 1793 - December 3, 1870)
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the final resting place of Levi Charles Meyers Harby. The marker was erected in 2014 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Lockhart House
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the former residence of William B. Lockhart son-in-law of Walter Gresham. The marker was erected in 1981 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Louis Trezevant Wigfall April 21, 1816 - February 18, 1874
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the grave site of Louis Trezevant Wigfall. The marker was erected in 1963 by the State of Texas.

Lt. Commander Edward Lea (1837-1863)
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is at the final resting place of Lt. Commander Edward Lea. The marker was erected in 2005 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Magale Building
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at what was once John F Magale’s wholesale liquor business built in 1870. The marker was erected in 1978 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Major John M. Allen
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is at the burial site of Major John M. Allen. The marker was erected in 1936 by the State of Texas.

Major Leon Dyer
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the final resting place of Major Leon Dyer. The marker was erected in 2011 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Mallory Produce Building
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the Mallory Produce Building. The marker was erected in 1962 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Mardi Gras in Galveston
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker highlights Mardi Gras in Galveston which first occured in 1867 at Turner Hall. The marker was erected in 2017 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Mathilda Wehmeyer German-American Kindergarten School
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the former site of Mathilda Wehmeyer German-American Kindergarten School. The marker was erected in 2017 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Maud Moller House
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at this late Victorian home owned by Maud J. H. Moller The marker was erected in 1983 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Menard-Ganter House
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the Menard-Ganter House built in 1882. The marker was erected in 1992 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Michel B. Menard (December 5, 1805 - September 2, 1856)
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the final resting place of Michel B. Menard. The marker was erected in 1994 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Miller-Jacobs Home
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the Miller-Jacobs Home. The marker was erected in 1977 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Mitchell Street
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker honors the legacy of George and Cynthia Mitchell. The marker was erected in 1999 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Moody Hall
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at Moody Hall. The marker was erected in 2017 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Nahor Biggs Yard (March 12, 1816 - May 5, 1889)
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the final resting place of Nahor Biggs Yard. The marker was erected in 1993 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Near Campsites of Louis-Michel Aury and Francisco Xavier Mina
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is Near Campsites of Louis-Michel Aury and Francisco Xavier Mina. The marker was erected in 1968 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Nicholas D. Labadie
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the final resting place of Nicholas D. Labadie. The marker was erected in 2002 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Nicholas J. Clayton
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker highlights the life and work of Nicholas J. Clayton, Galveston’s most influential architect. The marker was erected in 1982 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Norris Wright Cuney
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker highlights the political and civic career of Norris Wright Cuney who was born a slave in Waller County. The marker was erected in 1989 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Old Austin Home
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the Old Austin Home. The marker was erected in 1962 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Old Galveston Market House and City Hall
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is at the former location of the Old Galveston Market House and City Hall. The marker was erected in 2014 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Olga Samaroff
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the former residence of Olga Samaroff. The marker was erected in 2016 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Original Oleander Planting in Galveston
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at an outgrowth of original Dyer planting. The marker was erected in 1970 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Original Site of St. Mary's Orphan Asylum
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the original site of St. Mary’s Orphan Asylum. The marker was erected in 1994 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Poole-Parker House
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the Greek revival cottage known as the Poole-Parker House . The marker was erected in 1980 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Powell Arch
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the Powell Arch built for a 1986 celebration of Mardi Gras as well as a salute to the Texas Sesquicentennial on Galveston Island.

Powhatan and Mattie Wren House
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the former Victorian residence of Powhatan and Mattie Wren. The marker was erected in 2007 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Powhatan House
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the Powhatan House. The marker was erected in 1967 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Public Education for Blacks in Galveston
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is at the location of the third high school for the black community. The marker was erected in 1977 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Quigg-Baulard Cottage
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the Quigg-Baulard Cottage originally built by William and Josephine Quigg in 1867. The marker was erected in 2015 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Rabbi Henry Cohen
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker honors Rabbi Henry Cohen known as the “First Citizen of Texas” by U. S. President Woodrow Wilson. The marker was erected in 1980 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Reconstruction to 1900
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker highlights reconstruction of Galveston County prior to 1900. The marker was erected in 1967 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Reedy Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Church
Texas’s First African Methodist Episcopal Church

Rosenberg Library
Rosenberg Library has offered over a century of community service to the Galveston area, and is the oldest public library in Texas in continuous operation.

Rosewood Cemetery
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at Galveston’s first African American cemetery. The marker was erected in 2007 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Sacred Heart Church
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at Sacred Heart Church the fourth church established on Galveston Island. The marker was erected in 1981 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Saengerfest Park
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at Saengerfest Park named after a biennial singing contest sponsored by German immigrant choral societies around the State of Texas in the 19th century.

Saint Paul United Methodist Church
This congregation was organized in 1866 through a division of parishioners from the reorganized Reedy Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Church. Also, one of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at St. Paul United Methodist Church founded in the 1860’s. The marker was erected in 1990 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Samuel May Williams
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the Samuel May Williams home. The marker was erected in 1986 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Samuel May Williams
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the final resting place of Samuel May Williams. The marker was erected in 1935 by the State of Texas.

Santa Fe Union Station
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the central passenger station for Galveston’s railway system. The marker was erected in 1983 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Scottish Rite Masonry in Texas
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the Scottish Rite Masonry in Texas born on Galveston Island in 1867. The marker was erected in 1970 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Shiloh African Methodist Episcopal Church
In 1971 it became the first African American church in Texas to be awarded a state historical marker.

Site of Galveston Seminary
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is at the former site of the Galveston Seminary. The marker was erected in 1967 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Site of the Home of Michael Branaman Menard
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the site of the home of Michael Branaman Menard founder of the city of Galveston. The marker was erected in 1936 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Site of Ursuline Convent and Academy
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is at the location of Site of Ursuline Convent and Academy. The marker was erected in 1996 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Sonnentheil Home
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at a Nicholas J Clayton designed home for Jacob Sonnentheil. The marker was erected in 1962 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Southwestern Telegraph and Telephone Building
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the Southwestern Telegraph and Telephone Building.

St. Joseph's Church
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is at the location of St. Joseph’s Church originally built for the German Catholic population. The marker was erected in 1978 by the Texas Historical Commission.

St. Mary's Cathedral
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the city’s oldest surviving church St. Mary’s Cathedral. The marker was erected in 1967 by the Texas Historical Commission.

St. Mary's Hospital
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the first private hospital in the State of Texas organized in 1866. The marker was erected in 1980 by the Texas Historical Commission.

St. Patrick Catholic Church
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at St. Patrick’s Catholic Church. The marker was erected in 1994 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Sweeney-Royston House
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the Sweeney-Royston House built by James Moreau Brown in 1885. The marker was erected in 1978 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Texas Bar Association
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker highlights the establishment of the Texas Bar Association at the Electric Pavilion on Galveston Island in 1882. The marker was erected in 1989 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Texas Revolution and Civil War
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the Galveston County Courthouse and highlights Galveston during the Texas Revolution and Civil War. The marker was erected by the County of Galveston.

Texas Society, Sons of the American Revolution
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the original location of the Tremont Hotel where the states first chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution began. The marker was erected in 1991 by the Texas Historical Commission.

The Cottage
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker highlights the home of cotton buyer Bernard Roensch. The marker was erected in 1966 by the Texas Historical Commission.

The Cradle
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker the location that the Daughters of the Republic of Texas was founded. The marker was erected in 1962 by the Texas Historical Commission.

The Eugenia & George Sealy Pavilion
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the Eugenia & George Sealy Pavilion. This marker was erected in 1988 by the City of Galveston.

The First National Bank of Galveston
The original First National Bank of Galveston Building, designed by P. M. Comegys for T. H. McMahan, Esquire, was three-story and erected in 1867 of pressed brick from Baltimore.

The Galveston Movement
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker indicates a time when Jewish communities fled Russia and Eastern Europe for the South instead of the East Coast. The marker was erected in 2009 by the Texas Historical Commission.

The Italian Vault
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at The Italian Vault. The marker was erected in 1992 by the Texas Historical Commission.

The Maas House
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the house built for Maxwell and Sarah Maas and their nine children. The marker was erected in 1976 by the Texas Historical Commission.

The Mexican Telegraph Company The Zimmerman Telegraph
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the former structure that was the Mexican Telegraph Company infamous for the Zimmerman Telegraph . The marker was erected in 2017 by the Texas Historical Commission.

The Moody Home
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is at the family residence of W.L. Moody Jr. built in 1894. The marker was erected in 1967 by the Texas Historical Commission.

The Original Galveston Seawall
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker highlights the engineering marvel that is Galveston Island’s Seawall Boulevard. The marker was erected in 1975 by the Texas Historical Commission.

The Rev. Henry P. Young (October 2, 1817-September 12, 1901)
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the final resting place of The Rev. Henry P. Young. The marker was erected in 1992 by the Texas Historical Commission.

The Rt. Rev. Monsignor James Martin Kirwin
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker highlights Rt. Rev. Monsignor James Martin Kirwin who was appointed Vicar General of the Diocese of Galveston. The marker was erected in 1989 by the Texas Historical Commission.

The Rt. Rev. Monsignor Marius Etienne Chataignon
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is about “Father Chat, Galveston’s soldier priest.” The marker was erected in 1991 by the Texas Historical Commission.

The Stewart Building
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this historical marker is located at The Stewart Building the largest title firm in the state of Texas. The marker was erected in 1978 by the Texas Historical Commission.

The Texas Navy
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker commemorates the actions of the Texas Navy. The marker was erected in 1937 by the Texas Society of Daughters of the American Colonists.

The Tremont Houses
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the present Tremont House this is the third Galveston hotel to bear the name.

The Wilbur Cherry House
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the former residence of Wilbur Cherry a pioneer Texas newspaperman and veteran of the Texas Revolution. The marker was erected in 1981 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Thomas Chubb House
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the Thomas Chubb House. The marker was erected in 1981 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Thomas Henry Borden
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is at site of the home of Thomas Henry Borden one of the “Old Three Hundred” of Austin’s colonies. The marker was erected in 1936 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Thomas Joseph (Feb. 11, 1823 - Mar. 10, 1905)
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the final resting place of Thomas Joseph. The marker was erected in 1986 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Trinity Protestant Episcopal Church
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at Trinity Protestant Episcopal Church. The marker was erected in 1965 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Trube House
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is about the Trube Home a Danish castle-inspired home designed by architect Alfred Muller. The marker was erected in 1965 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Ursuline Convent in the Civil War
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is the location of the monastery that treated wounded soldiers during the Battle of Galveston in 1863. The marker was erected in 1963 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Valentine T. Dalton
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the final resting place of Valentine T. Dalton. The marker was erected in 1935 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Victor Gustafson Home
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the site of Victor Gustafson’s cottage. The marker was erected in 1985 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Warren D. C. Hall (1788 - April 8, 1867)
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the final resting place of Warren D. C. Hall. The marker was erected in 1994 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Wegner House
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the Wegner House. The marker was erected in 2014 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Wesley Tabernacle United Methodist Church
The Reverend Peter Cavanaugh organized the church in 1869 as an independent congregation.

West Galveston Island
Two of over 200 historical markers on the island, marker one is inscribed with information about Cabeza de Vaca and French explorer La Salle, and marker two is inscribed with information about the Termini Road to San Luis Pass Road Project. The markers was erected in 1967 and 1958 by the Texas Historical Commission.

West Point Missionary Baptist Church
This church was organized in 1870 as West Point Free Mission Baptist Church with the Reverend E. T. Hall serving as pastor. Also, one of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the West Point Baptist Church. The marker was erected in 1990 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Wilbur Cherry
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the final resting place of Wilbur Cherry. The marker was erected in 1936 by the State of Texas.

William and Adele Skinner House
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the William and Adele Skinner House. The marker was erected in 2017 by the Texas Historical Commission.

William and Lena Juneman Smith
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the former home of William and Lena Juneman Smith. The marker was erected in 2016 by the Texas Historical Commission.

William J. Killeen House
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the former residence of William J. Killeen built in 1886. The marker was erected in 1980 by the Texas Historical Commission.

William Lewis Moody, Jr.
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker highlights the life and legacy of William Lewis Moody, Jr.. The marker was erected in 1971 by the Texas Historical Commission.

William Tennant Austin (January 30, 1809 - February 25, 1874)
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the final resting place of William Tennant Austin. The marker was erected in 1971 by the Texas Historical Commission.