One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at Eiband’s, the oldest operating business in its original location.

“This Property has been placed on the National Registry of Historic Places by the United States Department of Interior. Circa 1870”
Original Application
“Eiband’s is the oldest continuing business in its original location in downtown Galveston. The building and the business are landmarks to Galvestonians. Firm was formed by Henry A. Eiband, Henry Garbade, and Thomas McCrea; formally opened in September 1895 as Garbade, Eiband, & Co., in a small building at present site. In 1914, they acquired all buildings on three lots, consolidated and remodeled them, along with addition of the fourth floor. Original core of building dates from 1870. Business split in 1922, at which time Garbade received the building and Eiband became owner of the business.”
“Four story, stuccoed, masonry commercial structure, virtually square with flat roof, some delineation to parapet, cornice consists of rectangular panels; modernized street level devoted to recessed entrances and display windows protected by canopy; upper floors dominated by evenly spaced windows with molded hoods. Windows now enclose entrance corners emphasized with rusticated quoins and pilasters terminating in modified pinnacles.”