One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the Hawes Summer Home. The marker was erected in 2011 by the Texas Historical Commission.

Kentucky native Edwin Hawes (1852-1932) was a prominent attorney, land owner and politician, serving as Wharton County Judge and Mayor of Kerrville. He and his wife, Lizzie Milburn (Rust) Hawes (1859-1927), married in 1881 and had seven children. The Hawes family lived in Wharton and Kerrville and became summer residents of Galveston. In 1907, Judge Hawes bought this lot from Albert and Etta Hall and soon after had a summer home built. The two-story front-gabled colonial revival-style house features shingled gables and a full-width porch with turned columns. The home stayed in the Hawes family until 1991.