One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the Victorian residence now know as the Isaac Heffron House. The marker was erected in 2016 by the Texas Historical Commission.

“Isaac Heffron (1853-1928), born in Wales, immigrated to Galveston at a young age. In 1876, he married Clotilde Gillet, a native Texan. The couple had four children and purchased the house on Post Office Street, formerly Avenue E, in 1881. Heffron was a sucessful general contractor and served on the city board of alderman. As the family grew, Heffron rebuilt the Victorian house to include a second story, a new porch along the rear façade and an elaborate concrete balustrade for the front garden. The family lived in the house through 1901 when they moved to a new house on 17th St. The couple’s daughter, Clotilde, and her husband, Andrew C. Falligant, lived here until 1913.”