One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker honors the legacy of George and Cynthia Mitchell. The marker was erected in 1999 by the Texas Historical Commission.

“Twenty-fourth Street is renamed to honor George and Cynthia Mitchell, who catalyzed the renaissance of the Strand Historic District. George Mitchell was born on the island in 1919 to Greek immigrants Mike and Katina Mitchell (born Savvas Paraskevopoulos and Katina Eleftheriou), who settled here circa 1908.”
“Galvanized by demolition of landmark Broadway mansions, the Ursuline Convent and the Quarantine Station, and inspired by publication of “The Galveston That Was”, a poignant record of the city’s fading glory, the Mitchells responded with a commitment to revive Galveston’s urban center as a labor of love and loyalty to the civic aspirations of this great city.”
“Dedicated October 24, 1999”