One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the final resting place of Nicholas D. Labadie. The marker was erected in 2002 by the Texas Historical Commission.

“Nicholas Descomps Labadie was born in Canada in 1802. In Missouri, he trained for the priesthood and later changed to the study of medicine. In 1831, he moved to Texas, serving as post surgeon at Anahuac. He served in the Second Regiment of Texas Volunteers as surgeon and infantryman during the Texas Revolution and, at San Jacinto, interpreted Santa Anna’s surrender to Sam Houston. He moved his family to Galveston and became a prominent physician and business leader. He was a strong supporter of the first local Catholic Church and the charity hospital. After long service to Galveston and Texas, he died of pneumonia in 1867.”
“Recorded – 2002”