Site of the Home of Michael Branaman Menard
Historical Marker
1605 33rd Street, Galveston, TX (Directions)
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the site of the home of Michael Branaman Menard founder of the city of Galveston. The marker was erected in 1936 by the Texas Historical Commission.
*Marker spelling is incorrect; the correct spelling is Michel Branaman Menard.
![Site of the Home of Michael Branaman Menard Historical Marker Site of the Home of Michael Branaman Menard Historical Marker](
“(1805 – 1856)”
“A signer of the Texas Declaration of Independence. Founder of the city of Galveston. Member of the Congress of the Republic of Texas.”
*Marker spelling of name is incorrect; the correct spelling is Michel Branaman Menard
Bret Michaels to Headline
Mardi Gras! Galveston
Legendary rocker Bret Michaels will headline the festival’s first Saturday of concerts on Saturday, Feb. 22. Visit Website
Bret Michaels to Headline
Mardi Gras! Galveston
Legendary rocker Bret Michaels will headline the festival’s first Saturday of concerts on Saturday, Feb. 22. Visit Website