One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the former home of William and Lena Juneman Smith. The marker was erected in 2016 by the Texas Historical Commission.

“German immigration in the 19th century contributed to Galveston’s growing East End Community. Ties to family were important to residents Ferdinand Louis Juneman (1833-1874) and Dorothea (Dreier) Juneman (1836-1905) who bought lots along Ball Avenue, formerly Avenue H, for three of their children. Identical cottages were constructed at each lot by noted Galveston builder William Pautsch (1834- 1911), with 1709 and 1711 sharing a lot and 1721 on a lot next to Dorothea’s house. Lenora Katherine “Lena” Juneman (1871-1945), and her husband Galvestonian William Edis Smith (1872-1940), inherited the house at 1709 Avenue H in 1905 after Dorothea’s death. The couple raised three children in the cottage. The house was damaged during The Great Storm of September 1900 but survived.”