"Melvin Moody" is a Turtle About Town, one of several turtle sculptures raising awareness of Kemp’s Ridley Sea Turtles that call the Texas Coast home.
Carlos Villasana, Artist
“Giving every Galveston child the opportunity to soar..”
Moody Early Childhood Center, Sponsor
“Melvin Moody represents not only Galveston and the Texas Gulf Coast culture we all love, he also represents our children and their creativity, imagination, and enthusiasm for learning new things. He has dinosaurs, astronauts, butterflies, castles, unicorns, rocket ships, and of course our Moody Kite painted on his shell. We love having Melvin here at school with all his unique art on display and love having families and children stop to find something new on him each time they visit.”
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Out Cast Charters
Experience a fishing adventure of a LIFETIME! We are all about making memories while on the hunt for Monsta Fish! We're ready to get you HOOKED UP! Book a Trip
Expore the Oceans' Depths
Moody Gardens Aquarium
Dive into the oceans of the world in a 15-million gallon aquarium teeming the creatures galore! Visit Website