"The Protector" is a Turtle About Town, one of several turtle sculptures raising awareness of Kemp’s Ridley Sea Turtles that call the Texas Coast home.
Gabriel Prusmack, Artist
“Our protectors serving this island with knowledge and love.”
Lynch Family Fund, Dominick and Barbara Sasser, Peaches and Shrub Kempner, Sponsors
“We are pleased to be part of the sponsor group who are helping to heighten the awareness of the plight of the sea turtles.”
Luxury Vacation Rentals Available
Beachtown Vacation Rentals
Luxury vacation rental properties in the Beachtown community, located on the eastern tip of Galveston Island. Visit Website
The Quest For The Best
Yaga's Chili Quest & Beer Fest
Enjoy chili, limited limited specialty beers & spirits, live entertainment, and more at the 16th Annual Yaga's Chili Quest & Beer Fest! Visit Website