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Turtles About Town: “Tony the Turtle”2020-07-23T12:35:38-05:00

"Tony the Turtle"

Turtles About Town

628 Seawall Boulevard, Galveston, TX (Directions)

"Tony the Turtle" is a Turtle About Town, one of several turtle sculptures raising awareness of Kemp’s Ridley Sea Turtles that call the Texas Coast home.

Tony the Turtle - Turtle About Town

Tracy Van Horn Reed, Artist

“I was proud and excited to be selected to create Tony the Turtle for Mario’s Italian Restaurant. Being involved in community art projects is something very important to me, and bringing awareness to the plight of sea turtles made it even more special. Plus, I learned a lot about Italy, so now I need to go!”

A. Smecca Family, Mario’s Italian on Seawall, Sponsor

“Tony was inspired by our beloved Nonno Tony, the patriarch of our family, as well as the Italian culture.”


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