"Tranquilo Baby" is a Turtle About Town, one of several turtle sculptures raising awareness of Kemp’s Ridley Sea Turtles that call the Texas Coast home.

Kathy VanDewalli, Artist
“It was an honor to be asked to participate in a project that melds together the arts, our community, and the aquatic life and environment we all treasure. I cherish also the opportunity to honor the Vargas family’s bridging of American and Nicaraguan cultures.”
Rudy & Paco’s and Vargas Cut & Catch by Paco, Sponsor
“The turtle represents Pacos journey from Nicaragua to the USA in search of the American Dream. The pictures on the turtle represent both his native Nicaragua and his new home Galveston. The turtle says “Welcome Home” because that is what the city represents to Paco. A welcoming Community that gave him and his family an opportunity to achieve the American Dream.”