Baltimore Oriole
The Baltimore Oriole, a small icterid blackbird, is a migratory breeding bird, seen in Galveston during the spring. It’s name comes from the colors on the coat-of-arms of Lord Baltimore. It’s the inspiration for the baseball team with the same name.
Kristine Rivers offers these tips:
“Traveling in large flocks, this species tends to create quite a stir when it arrives. Males are black above and bright orange below, with large white wing-bars. Females are greenish above and orangish-yellow below, with the same distinctive wing-bars. Listen for their chatter and look for them feeding on oranges in Lafitte’s Cove on the West End, or in Corps Woods Nature Sanctuary on the East End.”
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1895 Moody Mansion
Open for tours daily. Where Galveston history comes to life. Visit Website